Last Day in George Town

Knowing that we would be heading to the Raggeds for a spell, we headed into the grocery store to purchase some last minute provisions and GREENS. But truly today was more about saying ”see you later” to No Limits and Crossroads. We would be parting their company…..they would head on to Cat Island and Eleuthra while we ventured further south. While in town shopping I had to laugh at where my COVID testing money must be going. I did not realize we now had COVID Ambassadors and that they got a car with the title. Oh well….hopefully, only in the Bahamas as they say.

Back at Paradigm Shift I busied myself putting away groceries and baking cupcakes for our evening appy hour. We had invited everyone over for appys with a little surprise planned for Joanne on No Limits. Her birthday would be Monday and we would not be around so I baked cupcakes and my dear friend Robin thought to purchase sugar free icing. John and Joanne don’t eat sugar late in the evening so that was a perfect solution. I had some food coloring and tinted the icing blue which we thought may be her favorite color (as we see her in that color all the time…lol). Surprised she was….she had no idea and it was such a fun time to share with her. Of course I got my sweet tooth involved in the celebration and got icing all over.

As our evening came to a close, there were no sad moments but only joyful ones of the time we have shared together and the future plans of meeting on the way back up the coast to home. No Limits is from Herrington Harbor on the Chesapeake and of course Crossroads is in Deltaville. Till we meet again.

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